Wednesday, January 29, 2014

and continuing....

Missed the bike earlier
NuVinci adds perceivable weight! The part I'm happy about is "clean derailleurs anytime".

There is no fun in just cycling!  Performance improvements is what keeps one motivated.

There are quite a few tracking instruments for biking, starting from a simple 'MyTracks' on android to exorbitantly expensive power meters.  Choose the one, that suits your need and get on bike!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pathetic form.. like a newbie!!

Finally started on bike to office on 10Jan14.  Few important things I noticed
  1. I have a very pathetic form
  2. Bangalore is not flat as plateau
  3. Pollution is very bad, still recovering from mild headache.
but the realization is
  1. Buy a mask first
  2. Start early, before 6:30pm.
  3. Turn on GPS on MyTracks before 'Record'ing.

View Praveendv, first day to office in a larger map

View Praveendv First Day Back Home in a larger map