Saturday, August 24, 2013

My fast commuter

It has been more than two years, I have stopped cycling. It was health first (after I built my powertap), next was onsite and the final nail was moving the office to ITPL. No time these days!! The only I option that I see now is to commute to office on bike atleast once a week, to start with.

I wasn't all that sure about the security it ITPL for good bike. I was looking for a cheap bike. I had to change my mind after talking to couple of bikes @ ITPL. I'm going for a very good bike. Of course, not my litespeed for sure!!

First, I'm not buying a stock bike. With all the tools I bought all these years, I'll use them, I'm going to build one. First of it is the frame. I was lucky when I found new Masi Alare frame on ebay. Yes, that is right. You can't find one. The seller had ripped components and was selling only the frame. yes, of my size!! Frame: $300; Shipping: 89 and Duty: 6086.

From Masi
From Masi

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